How much does it cost to study in Germany?

I am just a little away from your house, this beautiful river, hatred flows all over my body, and on the other side of this beautiful place, I am looking at you. I had made a blog there, but you came home naive that you will have to build a house, why don’t you go?

Cost Discussion

Ok ji, let’s talk about how much money will it cost when I come. The estimation of money is ready. Let’s talk about the money deposited on it, which will be used on time. We divide the money into two parts: the money that will be spent before getting a visa and the money that will be spent after getting a visa.

Before talking about development, the first thing in this will be the language requirement. If you are taking admission in this course, then you will need it. Today you will need German.

Friends, if we get it done together, then this is 60. So this we will discuss now. I will also give you a calculation and a number. If you want this much money, then I will try in writing itself that you will get these details according to the writing.

After this, you have the application fee, which means that the documents you have submitted to the university, the language requirements have also been completed. If you apply to the university, there is an application fee.

The university starts with this. The director of the university is on the website of the university. They have their own fees; sometimes it is free, sometimes not. If you apply in this, then the first application you submit will be charged to the university for Rs 750. After that, whatever number of applications we send, the thirteenth ghost of applications will be 3000.

So now let’s do it like this; we take those who have a very clear profile. Now they apply in three, four, or five universities. Those who have a weak profile, it’s okay for them. You should apply in more universities so that you can get admission.

We take the average cost of yours that you have submitted four or five applications and take the cost of Rs 150. After that, the main course goes to sum up the cost of the block account. You get the cost back here, but you need the money only then these questions will come.

You need it till the back. It was 10330 from the new year; you should remember it out of hatred. 11260 is needed for you, and here you need it.

This total is 11260, which means you send extra, which is the ice amount. The transfer fee, when I am about to come, means 11260 plus 20. This is the cost of the block amount.

After spending this much cost, now you should have one university admission and one block account confirmation. Then you will go to the embassy to give an interview. If you are from 75th, then you are in the interview, and what questions are asked in the interview and how to correct it, I can already make a blog for that.


You will get it. Your interview is done; you performed well, and you got the mark, but the cost is still here. It is not over yet. The one after Vijay has speed; he also has an account.

The first request is that he will stop your packing within seconds; he will check how much you spend from your place. Friends, please create an account.

If it is the cost of the flight, then the sooner you fix it, the cheaper you will get the cards. If you want to apply from Karachi, then it will be cheaper today. Compare with Lahore and Islamabad also, you will see and you will buy so quickly; you will get it so cheap.

If your 310 is installed here, then whatever you have in the flight will be there. After you land, there is also the steel cost at the airport. If you have to make any account, then what will be there, that will be yours. Whatever is current for the first month will be the account, and after that, whatever will be there.

If you have to give a deposit, then we put an average of Rs 3030, and this is Rs 3000, which you will get back later. If you want something, then you can go there, depending on whether it is there or not, then you will also get the money along with it.

To bring some food and groceries to the house, which is the Arghya of the initial, how much do you need? 500 is enough for you to remove that fragrance weight.

You cannot go out of the airport; you can’t go out of the country.

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